1st Death

After my eyes gave me currents and patterns I have never seen before, I started to dive into the white light.

I forgot the sound my heart makes when it is still beating..

I forgot the feeling of separation from this dimension brought about by my skin and the space in between..

I forgot how my lungs draw in air for as of the moment, I can NOT feel anything…

We went to the top of the mountains. It was a five-hour drive that became six due to different directions given by strangers we asked to where The place of Ceremony is. When we arrived, we were greeted by a man named King, the most welcoming host with lots of stories to share..

We did not wait any longer, we started the ceremony, and before I knew it, the patterns appeared and everything seems to be breathing and in sync. My eyes got tired, but closing them did not change anything.

Eyes closed, Everything is still bright..

A lot of colors folding in and out and ever expanding. I was tranported to this tunnel with a loud ringing sound. It was the feeling I have never felt before. If my brain is just creating this, What a very creative brain I should have!!

That is when the fact I am separating from my physical body sinked in. In this realm where I am at, I am not bound by the bodily desires almost all humans have. Although it was past 32 hours since the last time I ate, I did not feel any hunger. I saw the bright colors fading into the darkest black I know..

I was in this tunnel of darkness and at its’ end there was a tiny light. When I released all anxieties and tension that has built up in my consciousness, I propelled to the end.

The ringing stop. I was totally quipped! What a Beautiful Dimension, realm, world, whatever and wherever this place is. I am firm I am not making this up because I have never seen or even imagine a place like this. I am floating in the space of this room that has no edge, stars beneath and above me. The walls are crumbling but you can not decipher if they are crumbling towards or away from you.. lots and lots of colors..

Is this where we go when we die..

I will forever find it hard to describe and explain for the person who are reading this will find it impossible to be there and come back, so they can never relate to this experience.

Although I came in with anxiety and worldly questions, when I was there, I felt complete and whole. I felt happy and contented and worry-free. It felt like there was no judgment or control or norms of what is right and wrong, what is must and must not, what you deserve and what not..

Life there is not the same ‘Life’ we have all been conditioned here on Earth is like.

Can it be that after this life, when we hit that point, we will wake up. And that the longer we stay here on Earth is the longer we stay away from getting to ‘that’ point. Are we missing ‘that’ point?

The day I die made me realize that Earth is built by us, humans. From the slightest temptation to the strongest guilt. All these were created by us. And once we leave this realm, we will leave these things here.

There, is a whole new journey of enlightenment!

In the end, our consciousness stays with us…

So be NOT afraid! Fear is again created by Men.

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